General Terms
Checking In & Checking Out
Check in starts at 3pm and Check out is at 10am each day. If you arrive prior to 3pm we can store your bags at the front desk until your room is ready.
Booking Terms
For flexible rate stays, 30% of the total owing will be charged at the time of booking to hold your room. The remaining balance will be charged 60 days from check-in.
For Non-refundable rate bookings, we request 100% of the stay rate immediately to confirm your room at the time of booking.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be delivered to us in writing. We recommend to all our guests to take out travel insurance that includes cancellation coverage. Please read the policy carefully to be sure its the right one for you.
Any flexible rate stay cancelled more than 60 days from check-in date will forfeit the 30% deposit.
Any flexible rate stay cancelled within 60 days of check-in will be charged 100% of the total stay rate.
Non-refundable rate stays will not be refunded.